When you go to a networking event and someone asks about your profession and you tell them, do their eyes glaze over?  It’s happened to me many times.  I realized that most people don’t have a true understanding of what we do as designers.

Let’s change the language and our message about what we do.  Here’s one option – call yourself an “Interior Design Consultant.”

Our media coach mentioned that you don’t want people to tune out because they have an immediate picture in their mind of what you do.  You want the listener to say, “oh, that’s really interesting…tell me more.”

For example, when you say you are an interior designer, the other person could be thinking…”oh…so she gets paid to pick colors and fabrics.”  Or, they could be thinking about the stereotype of a designer…flighty, disorganized, snooty, etc.  People use shortcuts all of the time and then they move to the next person in the room to see who can help them make more money…because they’re really there for their own benefit and not yours.

It’s time to have a different conversation and promote yourself as a professional and business person who happens to have an interior design consultation business.

What are your thoughts?  How else do you start a conversation that leads to an exchange vs. a blank stare and quick exit at networking events?



Interior Design Coach, Interior Design Class, Interior Design College